T'au Lexicon - Warhammer 40k (2024)

This article collects all known sentences, expressions, terms, and words of the Tau language and their respective translations and meanings.

Note: the Tau alphabet doesn't have letters for "Q" or "Z", and uses the same letters for the sounds "C/K" and "I/Y".

The correct way to address a Tau individual also depends upon the relationship between the two persons. Friends and relatives may use the short 1st given name (e.g.: "Shadowsun"). Strangers and colleagues are expected to be polite and to use caste and rank (e.g.:"Fire caste commander"). This acknowledges the place of the individual in question and seems to be common in battle communications.[1]

Alphabetical orderTau termliteral translationcommon translation, usual meaning, notessourceAAlohColdwind, a personal nameKill Team (Novel), p.163Arhat'karraMeditative ritual stance, enhancing readiness and alertness by lowering heartbeat and breathing to minimumThe Greater Evil (Short Story)AunEthereal, Celestial, Ethereal caste[1]Aun'ar'tolEthereal caste high commandWar of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)Aun'bork'an'rethaA combined Temple/university on Bork'an dedicated to the Ethereal caste and their wisdom.[1]Aun'chiagorA ceremonial gathering on a round table of the senior representatives of the 5 castes. The first round table was called Chia'gor.Fire Warrior (Novel), p.138Aun't'au'rethaunclear, "the council within the Aun't'au'retha has been reluctant to antagonize the gue'la...". The sentence hints the Aun't'au'retha to be a kind of parliament or senate-like assembly of Aun.Fire Warrior (Novel), p.145AutakuData technician, play on "otaku"A Sanctuary of Wyrms (Short Story)BBe'gelOrk(s), "insane, green-skinned Be'gel" (incapable of integration with the tau'va)Fire Warrior (Novel), p.74
Codex: Tau Empire (7th Edition), Cadre FirebladesBentus'lawise-gifted onesDemiurgBattlefleet Gothic 2010 Compendium, T'au Kor'or'vesh - The Armada, pg. 155DD'yanoitwin moonsalso the name of a Tau septCodex:Tau (3rd Edition), p.64Da'nohMystery not yet unraveled by the Earth Caste[2]EErijabirdsBirds found in the orchards of the Aun'bork'an'rethaCodex:Tau (3rd Edition), p.12Eur'iiunclear: tears? sweat?, salty?, stinging?Fire Warrior (Novel), p.65FFioEarth, earth caste[1]Fio'drunclear: uniform or fabricFire Warrior (Novel) p.65, p.76Fio'shasworker-warriora nicknameFire Warrior (Novel), p.16Fio'takunclear: machine?, console? mechanical? electronic? metal?Fire Warrior (Novel) p.134, p. 140, p.300, p.403Fu'llassocursed mind knotPolitical mess, Overly complicated situation[2]

War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)

GGal'leathExplorer, also a ship class of the Tau NavyTo Unite the Stars PDF (accessed 2007.11.24)Ghoro'khaDeath hailWar of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)Gue'laHuman[1]Gue'ron'shaengineered human warriorsSpace Marines[2]

War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)

Gue'vesahuman helper(s)Human auxiliary troops which are loyal to the Tau empireTau Human Auxiliaries (accessed 2007.03.29)Gue'vesa'laSoldier of the Gue'vesaTau Human Auxiliaries by Andy Hoare (accessed 2007.03.29)Gue'vesa'uiSergeant of the Gue'vesaTau Human Auxiliaries by Andy Hoare (accessed 2007.03.29)Gue'vesa'vresTrusted human helperA step above the Gue'vesa'ui; not spelled "Gue'vesa'vre"Voice of Experience (Short Story)Gyoh'shuA battle formation. Forming into a single-file line, possibly with a leader at the front and back.Altar of Maws (Short Story)HHer'ex'vreMantle of the HeroBattlesuitDeathwatch: Mark of the Xenos, page 7Ho'or-ata-t'chelSympathetic ghostpains which can be felt by pilots whose battlesuits have been damaged, extreme cases can be crippling.Fire Warrior (Novel) p.307IIl'fannorMerchant, also a ship class of the Tau NavyTo unite the Stars PDF (accessed 2007.11.24)Iur'tae'montBurnout, war madness, shell shockFire Warrior (Novel) p.259JJ'karraMirror .[1]JuntasSide (also direction) of a ship (text is unclear if it is port, starboard, left, or right)Fire Warrior (Novel)]] p. 47, p.170, p.200KKa'vashPossibly "you are dead" or "this is a killing blow." A ritual response is given during training sessions.The Greater Evil (Short Story)KaisSkilful.[1]Kass'lOrca, a star-fighter classTo unite the Stars PDF (accessed 2007.11.24)KauyonPatient HunterOldest of the two main war strategies of the Tau military (see below: Mont'ka), in the Tau language the words for hunter and patience are derived from the same root[1]
Codex: Tau Empire (4th Edition) p.12Kavaalbattlealso a basic military organization (see above tables)War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)Kir'qathDefender, also a ship class of the Tau NavyTo unite the Stars PDF (accessed 2007.11.24)Kles'takA high-density explosive.Fire Warrior (Novel), p.195,Ko'vasha worthy causeTo strive for.[1]
Fire Warrior (Novel) p.23KorAir, air caste.[1]Kor'shutoOrbital City.War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)Kor'vattraT'au Space Fleet, T'au NavyWar of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)Kor'ves/Kor'vesafaithful helperTau drone[1]

War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)

Ky'husaAn alcoholic beverage, is drunk preferably in a single gulp and while it is warmCodex: Tau (3rd Edition), p.61LLar'shiHero, also a ship class of the Tau NavyTo unite the Stars PDF (accessed 2007.11.24)Lhaat eleshTo slice with sightEyes that reflect a fully-present mind. All Ethereals possess this quality, but individuals of any species can develop itAltar of Maws (Short Story)Lhas'rhen'nashattered jadeNoble sacrifice (also a euphemism for one)[2]

War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)

MM'yenUnforseen.[1]M'yen'keshThe Unforeseen BladeA battle tactic. To fight an enemy from within; to board an enemy vessel.Altar of Maws (Short Story)Mal'caorSpiderLiteral. Also, ‘a-great-peril-awakened.’[1], The Greater Evil (Short Story)Mal'korVespid.Codex: Tau (4th Edition), p.39Malk'laRitual discipline meted out to leaders who fail the T'au'vaWar of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)MesmeCombination.[1]Mon'wern'aDeceptive assault (a battle-scheme)Fire Warrior (Novel), p.53MonatFreedom of One/lone warriorTitle for a single Battlesuit working without a team; solo operative (i.e.: a lone warrior)White Dwarf 263 (US), Battlesuit configurations (accessed 2007.12.06)

War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)

Mont'auThe Terror, the Tau race's worst nightmare, the time before the coming of the Ethereal caste when the other castes were set against one another. A barbaric time of war that the Tau fear could return should any Tau put themselves before the Greater Good. Can also be an individual case of: "a state-of-being without progress, without unity or altruism, without direction or purpose or strength", in other words: an individualistic Tau which is simply unable to work in a team (read the novel Fire Warrior).[1]
Fire Warrior (Novel), p.81Mont'kaKilling BlowOne of the two main war strategies of the Tau military (see above: Kauyon)[1]
Codex: Tau Empire (4th Edition) p.12Mont'yrseen battleBlooded.[1]Mor'toniumHighly reactive alloy used as key element of ion weaponry.War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)NNont'kaTime of Questioning (concept used by Ethereal caste only)War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)OO'grinnOgrynAltar of Maws (Short Story)O'res'laOrkBattlefleet Gothic 2010 Compendium, T'au Kor'or'vesh - The Armada, pg. 155Or'esPowerful.[1]PPech'vesakroot helper(s)Refers to those members of the Kroot that are allied with the T'au.War of Secrets (Novel), Chapter SeventeenPorWater, water caste.[1]Por'huiunclear: News or something similar (cited are: porhui media, por'hui journalists, por'hui channels)Fire Warrior (Novel) p.14, p.58Por'sralPropaganda campaign[2]RRinyonCircle of BladesT'au metastrategy of envelopment (see: Kauyon/Mont'ka)War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)Rip'ykaThousand DaggersT'au metastrategy of cumulative strikes (see: Kauyon/Mont'ka)War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)Run'alSmall observation post or hide, hidden bunker[1]
Codex: Tau empire (4th Edition) p. 12SSaz'namiEthereal honour guard, enforcer of the T'au'vaWar of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)SeptA star system of the Tau which becomes a individual cultural entityCodex: Tau (3rd Edition), p.7ShasFire, fire caste.[1]Shas'ar'tolFire caste military high command.[1]Shas'len'raCautious warriorFire Warrior (Novel), p.34ShaserraShadowsun, a personal nameCodex: Tau Empire (4th Edition), p.46ShiVictory.[1]Shi'urStrong Triumph, a personal nameFire Warrior (Novel), p.14Shio'heOlfactory chasm, t'au scent organ equivalentWar of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)Sho'aun'or'essource of powerthe heart of the reactor of a power plantKill Team (Novel) p.142, Fire Warrior (Novel) p.132, p.134Sho'karaLens or window to the Warp used by Tau vessels (perhaps: Warp-jump point?). It is commented that the Tau are unable to create an artificial one.Kill Team (Novel), p.144ShohInner light, a personal nameWar of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)ShovahFarsighted.[1]Sio'talways refered to as "Sio't meditation" (several kinds). Unclear: mantras, prayers?Fire Warrior (Novel), p.74Skether'quanMessenger, also a ship class of the Tau NavyTo unite the Stars PDF (accessed 2007.11.24)Snae'taunclear: "A snae'ta gue'la cauterised" the wound of a Tau prisoner. A (Tau) mighty general and a powerful fighter, but a snae'ta nonetheless.Fire Warrior (Novel) p.76, p.402TTau'kon'shea Tau festival during which a ceremonial clonebeast is hunted by Shas'uiFire Warrior (Novel) p.160, p.189Tau'fannage-old address for members of alternate castesFire Warrior (Novel), p.140Ta'lisseraCommunion, marriage, bonding ritual (perhaps also: "sworn brotherhood"?).[1]Ta'ro'chathree minds – one purpose/three minds as onea Tau battlesuit configuration (i.e.: three battlesuits which work as a team)Battlesuit configurations (accessed 2007.12.06)

War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)

Ta'shiroFortress station (spacebound)War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)Tau'vaGood GreaterThe Greater Good[1]

War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)

Tsua'mMiddle.[1]UUa'shocommandalso a basic military organization (see above tables)War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)UkosSpoon.[1]U'itan animal with a tail, similar to a dog. "We can run with our tail between our legs, like an anxious ui't."Fire Warrior (Novel) p.144, p.402VVash'aun'anWarp spaceKill Team (Novel), p.144Vash'yabetween spheresFocused on more than one thing, also the name of a Tau sept[1]

War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)

Ves'ronRobotic being[2]Vior'lahot bloodedalso the name of a Tau sept[1]Vral/V'ralundercutUndercut, a personal name[1]VarBrightsword, a personal nameKill Team (Novel), pg. 169YY'eldiwinged oneAir caste name for a particularly gifted pilot, a personal name[1]Y'heever-devouringTyranid(s), "ever-devouring Yhe" (incapable of integration with the tau'va)Fire Warrior (Novel), pg. 74

War of Secrets (Novel), T'au Xenolexicon (after Epilogue)

Y'he'mokushiGenestealer, "beasts of the Silent Hunger" who "steal form as well as substance"A Sanctuary of Wyrms (Short Story)Yasu'caorThe philosophy which guides the Yasu'aun.The Greater Evil (Short Story)Yasu'aunthe-finders-of-the-truth-that-hidesEthereal followers of the Yasu'caor philosophy, known informally as Seekers.The Greater Evil (Short Story)
T'au Lexicon - Warhammer 40k (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

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