North Bay Nugget from North Bay, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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Diamonds AT Saving Values KYIS VIKW OF THE IMPORTANT MIXES IN THIS KERR LAKK Thie picture waa taken from the highent point on the went rad of the Cleopatrn property and showa the done proximity of that property to the big ehipping mince in this Important nection of the Co- bait Camp Luck Which Came In Finding Gold gold to no purpose Worn out by hardshipe and half dead from starvation they were on the point of abandoning the quest In despair when Fate administered her last crushing blow They were overtaken by terrible storm in which Flower wss drowned Martin weak though he waa set to work to dig his fallen comrade's grave at the foot of a tree and had dug down barely two feet when hla NOW HERE else on the Continent can Diamonds be pur- chased as advantageously as un at Kyne We are (be largest importers of precious gems in Canada Every diamond is personally selected through our permanent buying office in Amsterdam at prices Thus we receive a choice of quality at the lowest possible prices Diamonds enter Canada duty free whereas the United States jewelers are compelled to pay a government tax barely raise ai Inch from the ground The nugget which was soon known Pde struck a hard unyielding sub-the whole world over as the "Wei- stance which to hia amassment and delight proved to be an enormous nugget the largest ever found on the American continent The "Oliver Martin chunk" aa it came to fee known the whole world over weighed 151 pounds 6 ounces realised £7254 and was the nucleus of fortune of a million dollars which Martin accumulated in later year It is impossible to reed far in the story of mining without being amused at the large part luck has played in it There Is scarcely a gold field In the world some of the chief treasures of which have not been revealed by a trivial accident The famous Pllbarra field In West Australia might still hold its riches in concealment if it had not been for such an accident A boy one day picked up a atone to hurl at a cow and was so struck by its weight that Instead of throwing it he examined it and found It cover ed with yellow specks which even to come 8 1 actually weighed two hundredweight and waa sold for nearly £10000 And thee were but a few of many similar blocks of gold discovered in Australia under1 equally dramatic conditions While a native shepherd named Kerr was tending hia sheep one day hla attention waa arrested by a yellow rock projecting few inchee above the soil In his excitement at the discovery he ran to fetch hia master the rock was unearthed and proved to be a nugget of two hundredweight from which 160 pounds of pure gold were extracted A few years later another monster nugget made its appearance at Ballarat A party of miners had worked a claim to a depth of 60 yarda when one of them struck with hie pickax a hard irregularly shaped mass which un being unearthed proved to be a block of almost pure gold 80 WRITE FOR PRICES 'Our handsomely illuHtrated 144-page catalogue free upon request RYRIE BROS Limited I 131 136 138 YONGE STREET TORONTO lAAAAAAAi You nay that yon do not care much for stringers and this Is where your early education is at fault for stringer Is often mord Important to the mine owner than strict sobriety is to the success of the average mine manager and I will tell you why If we absolutely knew juat where the ore body of a mine Is located we could copper every move made by the yellow legged expert and beat him to it just the same as Cook did Peary to tha North Pole But we often mistake the ledge we are working on for the big prim In the drawing and lose eight of the stringer which leads to the main ore shoot just as many prowpectors believe they are making a success when putting their money on the green or playing the wheel when they should be out In the hills following tha quarts float to ite source or tracing a spur vein to Its junction with the motherlode But this is not confining myself to stringer non whatever and this is what ever real mining man should do "If you remember" continued the prospector "we spent one winter in the Double-Up range some distance below Dandy Crowing You were delighted with our camp for feed and water were plentiful and you had an old crop-eared burro to neighbor with I thought I bad mighty good prospect for the ore came to the surface In what seemed to me to be a true fissure vein I started a tunnel and followed the ora In for distance of 50 feet or more But the values decreased aa I went In and I was aa much discouraged as you are when you come Into camp and find the barley aack empty As a matter of fart I waa about to get out of tbe game lor my chips did not fall into any winning numbers However I went back to tbe tunnel one morning and examined the tunnel more carefully On one side tbe wall-rork seemed soft snd decomposed as soft as are the brsina of the crop-eared burro you take delight In axsnrlatlng with or the gray matter of coins tenderfoot Investors I know of With my pick I began tearing away at the soft piece which In foot or so gave way to a pronounced stringer which panned a few colors but not rich More out of curiosity than anything else I spent two days In following the stringer and before the week waa out had broken into blind ore body that was louay In ite gold contents Into the main vein for I found afterwards that the ledge I had first followed was nothing more than an overflow snd that the stringer wan tbe feeder I afterwards sold the mine snd it has paid many dividend to it owner since "I want to tell you old Ling Ears' concluded tbe prospector "it la not always safe to judge a man or a mini from first appearance A man may put on great front but later on you may find that he baa not single stringer In hie make-up which will leaad to something good and that ha Is nothing more than a barren vein between two well-defined walls A mine may also look good on the surface but prove to be pinched and decreasing In value the further you go dut it may have stringers leading to bonansa' which you must follow and there you are and then some" Balt Lake Mining Review Best Equipped Livery North of Toronto Is it a business or a pleaeure trip you are making 7 Get In touch with ue flood horses (ant roadsters everyone of them Strong buggies careful driven Nowhere does Fortune indulge her love of the dramatic agd the sensa-tlonal more fully than' In the gold fielda and the uilver mines the story of which Is crowded with incidents so startling that even the moat dating writer might well hesitate to introduce them into hie fiction Take for instance the story of the discovery of the world-famous "Blanche Barkley" nugget in the early days of Australian gold mining which sent a thrill round the world Hamuel Napier a sailor with his orother Charles and one Robert Ambrose their cook and general handy man had been digging fur gold for ala months at Kingower about 40 mllea from Bendigo without discovering aa much of the precious metal aa would pay their living expenses when one August day to tell the story in Napier's own words "we mads the big strike We had dug down about 14 feet to the pipe-day stratum and wero shunting around in the bottom of the shaft more dead than alive from the heat Old Ambrose lit his pipe and leaned against the aide of the hole for a rest Just then I struck something with my pick 1 turned It up so the light could strike it and by Jlmmyl it was a chunk of gold aa big aa a Hubbard squash! "That evening was a mighty anxious one for the boys were liable to liquidate and we didn't know what minute come in and turn our whole caboose upside down About midnight we set to work ns quiet ns possible with our picks and sunk a shaft down about six feet underneath the table in the tent and burled the nugget out of sight For three long months it stayed there with ue eating over it walking over it sleeping ui it and dreaming on it and not i soul at the diggings any the wiser Sometimes we lay awake all night with our guns handy in ease we were molested fur there were plenty of tough subjects at the diggings that would have made short work of us if they had guessed our secret" The uugget sold for £7000 Among the thousands who flocked to the Victorian gold Helds in the early '50a were two Cornish miners John Deaaon and Richard Oates who staked out a claim near the Tillage of Moliaque They act to work with vigor confident that in few month they would be able to retire to their native Cornwall rich men hut their expectations were doomed to cruel disappointment Not only months but many years passed and found them still ns far removed from fortune as at the beginning and by 1169 15 years after they began their search for gold they were reduced to the last etraita Starvation atared them ii the face and the crowning misfortune came when a local storekeeper refused to supply Deaaon with little flour until he produced the money for it In despair the miner seised hla pick and wandered away to the outskirts of the gold field and as he wandered downcast and heavy-hearted he noticed gleam of yellow in a rut made by a cart Lifting hie pick with a few frantic blows he brought to light an enormous nugget which with all hie strength be could STEAMER HILVEKLAXD OF THIS HAILKYBURY NAVIGATION COMPANY AT HER WHARF AT HAILEYBURY hie Inexperienced eye suggested gold He took the stone home hie father submitted it to a miner and thus was discovered the clew to the hidden treasures of Cassell's Saturday Journal The Prospector And His Burro rn 23 Make your arrangement beforehand 'Phone ue or write Satisfaction In the outcome of patronising Livery Transfer Co Phone 17 PO Box 1M -COBALT inches long foot wide and seven inches deep Its weight was almost hundredweight and quarter and Its value £9325 It was the periodical discovery at Ballarat ol these monster nuggets which first fired the blood of the entire world in the far away '50s and mad even prosaic Yorkshire farmer dream nightly of gold But even Ballarat haa no other romance to rival that of the discovery of two huge nuggets within few dnya In the earns claim The story rune that four Miners had worked their claims down to a depth of about 60 feet when one of them brought to light nugget weighing nearly hundredweight and worth £5500 In their joy at uch trich treaeuiw-trove the men abandoned the diggings and took their nugget with them to England They had scarcely left Ballarat when their euceessorn in the claim with almost the first stroke of a pick turned over another nugget heavier than the first and valued at over £7000 Of all the romantic stories told of gold discoveries in California not one is more remarkable than that of which Oliver Martin was the hero For months Martin and a companion named Floer had been prospecting for "I notice" eald the prospector to hie burro "that yon can tell when we are nearing a water hole or a mountain stream when we are miles away and yet I must stumble on and on without any knowledge of the whereabouts of this precious fluid until I am within short distance from it This is one of your gifts inherited hut not acquired just os some men ore born with the gift of finding honania mines or the gift of holding the high hand when big Jack -Dot stands near "You can smell water miles away and you follow the scent on bee line to quench your thirst just the same as a really good prospector and mining man will follow a stringer until It develops Into a good ore body STANDARD EXPLOSIVES Tbe heat equipment of a successful speculator Is a "good nose for newa" Not news of tbe yellow journal variety but plain hard-boiled facta It I evident that there will be no merger of tbe Cook and Peary exploratory enterprises Underwriters seek elsewhere LIMITED HIGH-GRADE DYNAMITE rtr Fuse Caps Batteries eries I I ROOM 3 hunter' BLOCK i i COBALT ON(r TELEPHONE 139 1 i POWER PLANT AND SHAFT HOUSE LASGHAM MINE MONTREAL RVER DISTRICT OFFICE BUILDING OPHIIt MINE.

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North Bay Nugget from North Bay, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.