The following list focuses mainly on the designators you can receive comingout of The Basic School. In some cases, your designator may be slightlydifferent until you finish your MOS school. For example, as a CommunicationsOfficer you will be an 0601 (Basic Communications Officer) until you finishthe course at which point you will be an 0602.
This page is currently being updated to align with the "Marine Officer MOSAssignment Handbook". The Basic School. Camp Barrett. March 3, 2019. ThoseMOS's with links to more information have been updated. Last update 10February 2021.
Manpower Officer - 0102
Manpower Officers have oversight and management responsibilities for theMarine Corps’ most important resource – our Marines. The Manpower andPersonnel Administration occupational field, which includes several hundredStaff Noncommissioned Officers and Noncommissioned Officers (PMOS 0111Administrative Specialists) and hundreds of restricted officers, (PMOS 0170Personnel Officers), provides manpower and administrative support tocommanders at all echelons, enhancing the readiness and operationalcapabilities of the total force.
Read more about becoming a Marine Manpower Officer
Intelligence Officer - 02
The Intelligence occupational fields conducts the collection, processing, anddissemination of intelligence. The specialties within the Intelligence 02community are analysis, counterintelligence, imagery interpretation,geographic intelligence and human intelligence. Duty assignments vary widelyfrom all levels of the Operating Forces, Supporting Establishment, and JointCommands.
Entry-level Marine Intelligence Officers will be given specific trainingwithin one of the following disciplines: Ground, Human Source, Signals or AirIntelligence. These officers will gain unique opportunities for leadership,deployment and training. Once the rank of Major is attained, all of thedisciplines merge together as the officer becomes a Marine Air Ground TaskForce (MAGTF) Intelligence Officer. After three years of experience andcompletion of MIOC (MAGTF Intelligence Officer Course), you will be designatedas a MAGTF Intelligence Officer, with leadership opportunities in both jointand Marine Corps billets.
Following career designation and four or more years of intelligence experience(usually around rank of Captain), all Marine Corps intelligence officers fromthe four specialty intelligence MOSs (0203, 0204, 0206, and 0207) merge intothe 0202 MAGTF Intelligence Officer PMOS.
Ground Intelligence Officer - 0203
Ground Intelligence Officers serve as commanders and staff officers in theoperating forces and are responsible for tactical planning and employment ofground surveillance and reconnaissance units as well as the coordination of aunit's overall intelligence effort.
Read more about becoming a Ground Intelligence Officer
Counterintelligence and Human Source Intelligence Officer – 0204
Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence (CI/HUMINT) Officers serve in bothcounterintelligence and human intelligence billets. They command and/or leadCI/HUMINT units in tactical information gathering operations and activities insupport of identified collection requirements.
Read more about becoming a CI/HUMINT Officer
Signals Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Officer - 0206
Signals Intelligence/Ground Electronic Warfare (SIGINT/EW) Officers commandand/or lead SIGINT/EW units in tactical information gathering operations andactivities in support of identified collection requirements. SIGINT/EWOfficers advise commanders and staffs on the employment of SIGINT and EWassets in support of information gathering and information operations andactivities.
Read more about becoming a Signals Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Officer
Air Intelligence Officer - 0207
Air Intelligence Officers serve as the intelligence functional experts at allcommand levels of the MAW. They develop and execute intelligence plans,policies, and procedures that facilitate operations across the six functionsof Marine aviation.
Read more about becoming a Air Intelligence Officer
Infantry Officer - 0302
Infantry Officers are central to the role of the Marine Corps as anexpeditionary force. They are responsible for training their Marines for everyvariety of ground combat mission in any environment. They gather and evaluateintelligence on enemy forces, develop offensive and defensive battle plans andcommand their infantry unit’s use of weapons and equipment.
Read more about becoming an Infantry Officer
Light Armored Reconnaissance (LAR) Officer - 0303
Following successful completion of IOC, some Infantry Officers are assigned toone of three Light Armored Reconnaissance (LAR) Battalions and must obtain the0303 LAR Officer NMOS.
Read more about becoming a Light Armored Reconnaissance Officer
Expeditionary Ground Reconnaissance (EGR) Officer - 0307
Additional opportunities for 0302 Infantry Officers include consideration forthe 0307 EGR Officer NMOS. EGR Officers are the commanders or assistantscommanders in the reconnaissance battalions and force reconnaissancecompanies.
Read more about becoming a Expeditionary Ground Reconnaissance Officer
Logistics Officer - 0402
Logistics Officers have a high degree of visibility due to their critical rolein planning strategies for every major unit in the operating forces. Theyperform a variety of duties including coordinating the movement of Marines andequipment from ship to shore to forward operating bases. This MOS allowsofficers to develop long-range projects, manage the supply chain and analyzedata and performance.
Read more about becoming a Logistics Officer
Communications Officer - 0602
Communications Officers are the backbone for command and control of operatingforces in the Marine Corps. They are responsible for the planning,installation, operation and maintenance of data, telecommunications andcomputer systems. On the battlefield, officers must be able to quicklyestablish communications capabilities. This MOS requires officers to stayinformed of rapidly evolving technology involved in their day-to-day duties.
Read more about becoming a Communications Officer
Field Artillery Officer - 0802
Field Artillery Officers lead Marines in tactics, gunnery, gun-line drills,communications, maintenance, transportation and logistics. They provide close-fire support for infantry, armored reconnaissance and tank units. Their firstassignment is to a firing battery within an artillery battalion, while futureroles include fire support officer, fire direction officer, platoon leader andbattery executive officer.
Read more about becoming a Field Artillery Officer
Combat Engineer Officer - 1302
Combat Engineers lead Marines in route reconnaissance, demolitions, mine andcountermine warfare, obstacle emplacement, breaching and construction.Engineering is divided into four categories: mobility, countermobility,survivability and general engineering. Officers find themselves performingmany missions, such as building a bridge or repairing a medical clinic in adisaster-struck third-world country.
Read more about becoming a Combat Engineer Officer
Cyberspace Officer - 1702
Cyberspace Officers command or assist in commanding a cyberspace operationsunit or element. They supervise, direct, and provide guidance on all aspectsof the employment of cyberspace personnel and systems.
Read more about becoming a Cyberspace Officer
Tank Officer - 1802
Marine Corps Tank Battalions will be deactivating to align with the ForceDesign 2030 strategy. The Tank Officer brings firepower to the battlefield,commanding Marines in M1A1 tanks and providing recommendations for thetactical employment of tank units to unit commanders. Typically, the TankOfficer spends the first 14 months as a tank platoon commander and isstationed at either of the two active duty tank battalions, ready fordeployment.
Read more about becoming a Tank Officer
Assault Amphibious Vehicle Officer - 1803
AAV officers command, or assist in commanding, assault amphibian (AA) units,provide recommendations to the supported unit commander for the tacticalemployment of AA units. AAV officers also direct AA units on maneuvers,tactical problems, and in combat.
Read more about becoming a Assault Amphibious Vehicle Officer
Ground Supply Officer - 3002
Ground Supply Officers lead and train Marines in coordinating the equipmentand material for mission requirements. They supervise the purchasing andcontracting of supplies, manage budgets and develop spending plans. Their roleensures that Marines worldwide are properly equipped.
Read more about becoming a Ground Supply Officer
Financial Management Officer - 3404
Financial Management Officers are in charge of financial issues, such asmanaging budgets and disbursing operations. Officers who work in the financesection coordinate military pay and travel, while the comptroller sideconsists of budgeting, accounting and leading internal reviews.
Read more about becoming a Financial Management Officer
Judge Advocate - 4402
Judge Advocates provide legal advice and support to commanders, Marines,Sailors, and their families to promote the readiness of the force andcontribute to Marine Corps mission accomplishment..
Read more about becoming a Judge Advocate
Communication Strategy and Operations Officer - 4502
The CommStrat Officer develops communication plans; communicates withinternal, domestic, and international audiences; and oversees the execution ofplans and activities by 45XX occupational field Marines in support ofoperational and Service communication objectives.
Read more about becoming a CommStrat Officer
Military Police Officer - 5803
Military Police Officers provide essential support to their commandingofficers with all facets of law enforcement. Officers begin this MOS eitheron-base, providing security and law enforcement, or on deployment, supervisingmaneuver and mobility operations and internment operations, as well asproviding area security and law enforcement.
Military Police Basic Officers Course
Fort Leonardwood, MO
9 weeks
Aviation Maintenance Officer - 6002
Aviation Maintenance Officers supervise the maintenance of aircraft andaviation equipment. Their duties ensure that all Marine Corps aircraft areready to fly to support any mission. These officers are in charge of aircraftinspection, managing technical training and administering safety programs.
Aviation Maintenance Officer Course
Naval Aviation School
Pensacola, FL
10 weeks
Aviation Supply Officer - 6602
Aviation Supply Officers make critical decisions concerning budget, inventorymanagement, deployment, personnel and other support matters. They serve in theAviation Supply Department at any one of the 11 different Marine AviationLogistics Squadrons (MALS), all dedicated to keeping Marine aircraft ready andsafe.
Aviation Supply Officer Basic Qualification Course
Newport, RI
14 weeks
Aviation Command & Control - 72
Officers in Aviation Command & Control serve as either Air Support ControlOfficers, Air Defense Control Officers or Air Traffic Control Officers. Theprimary functions of these MOSs include directing the interception of hostileaircraft and coordinating employment of surface-to-air-missiles, coordinatingair support missions and directing activities related to air traffic controland airspace management.
Low Altitude Air Defense - 7204
Low Altitude Air Defense Course
Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School
29 Palms, CA
Air Support Control Officers - 7208
Air Support Control Officers Course
Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School
29 Palms, CA
12 weeks
Air Defense Control Officers - 7210
Air Defense Control Officers Course
Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School
29 Palms, CA
12 weeks
Air Traffic Control Officers - 7220
Air Traffic Control School
Pensacola, FL
16 weeks
Pilots and Naval Flight Officers - 75
Naval Flight Officer - 7578 (Student)
Naval Flight Officers (NFOs) operate the advanced weapons and electronicsystems on board F/A-18 Hornets and EA-6B Prowlers. The division of laborbetween the pilot and the NFO allows the pilot to focus on flying the aircraftand the NFO to focus on the weapons systems. The NFO often has the bestsituational awareness of the battlefield, and at times leads entire aviationmissions.
A book to help you start studying for the Aviation Selection TestBattery.
Aviation Preflight Indoctrination
Pensacola, FL
6 weeks
Primary Flight Training
FL, TX or OK
22 weeks
Advanced Flight Training
Pensacola, FL
14-49 weeks
Flight Student - 7599
Fixed-wing Pilot
Marine Fixed-wing Pilots fly some of the most advanced aircraft in the world.These officers perform essential functions of Marine Aviation—assault support,anti-air warfare, offensive air support, electronic warfare, control ofaircraft and missiles, and aerial reconnaissance—to support missions aroundthe world.
Aviation Preflight Indoctrination
Pensacola, FL
6 weeks
Primary Flight Training
FL, TX or OK
22 weeks
Advanced Flight Training
TX, MS or FL
14 - 49 weeks
Rotary/Tilt Rotor Pilot
Marine Rotary-wing and Tilt-rotor Pilots fly aircraft in coordination withground forces to execute the missions of the Marine Corps. These officers andthe aircraft they command may be ship-based or shore-based. Tilt-rotor Pilots'missions mirror that of Rotary-wing Pilots, combining transport capabilitywith speed capability similar to that of Fixed-wing Pilots.
Aviation Preflight Indoctrination
Pensacola, FL
6 weeks
Primary Flight Training
22 weeks
Advanced Flight Training
Whiting Field, FL
27–44 weeks